Sunday, October 23, 2011

Change is Inevitable...Flow with it

Hey Dolls, the Diva here..Heyyy, how youu doing?  I will give up the Gaga in a sec, but before we get to MLOTD (My look of the day), I just want to gab for a moment about the inspiration for this look, which is truly cas...

The Diva was feeling a bit down, not only was I experiencing issues in RL (illness), but upon logging on one day, I began to have issues with someone I thought I was close to. Now the Diva will neva name names, because that is just W.R.O.N.G. but otherwise, I want to vent for a sec. When I came to SL, baaaby, I was having me a gang of fun you here me, I was exploring, looking cute, turning heads and had a handful of folks that I could depend on to keep me in a bag full of giggles... Now I'm not giving y'all the novel version b/c I know I can be rather long winded, but things change and change is apart of life, especially in SL, the person you think is your BFF/Sister/Brother/Aunt/Mother/Confidant today, will turn on you over the smallest infraction, I learned this the VERY hard way...So ladies, forewarned is careful who you provide those titles to, b/c hunnay...not everyone is meant to be in your life for longevity, some are momentary, and come to show you the path you're supposed to be on, be selective who you make family, friends, lovers, etc.. and please, keep your RL B.I. to yourself, lawd knows you don't want your info spread all over SL, Chile...okay thats my gab for the day... on to the Gaga! Baa Doop!!

Dolls, we begin with this O.M.G. Jacket... I must tell you how much this Jacket gave me LIFE!!! I simply adore this Jacket. When I saw it, I knew I would spend my very last money on it if necessary. This fierce piece is from one of my favorite stores/designers, Miraiwave Iwish of [Awram-Vile] fame.  This store-ever since I discovered it- is my go to spot when I want that one-of-kind piece.  Mirai does the damn thing until is O.V.E.R. and done, I can't stand it, and  Baabby I'm about to pass out.....Ha! Okay gaining some composure about myself, so I can finish...Okay here we go.

This bad-ass Leather and fur Jacket, as luck would have it, would come to me as a gift, I did not have to spend a red dime;  I was able to get it as a freebie (Lucky Prize), yay me. This bad boy is a sizzling mixture of leather and fur, sorry all my Peta friends, but I just couldn't resist this one...and the fur is fun fur btw so I hope that makes up for my choice, at least a little. The jacket is the perfect piece to wear casual or dress it up with a pair of wide leg trousers or tuxedo pants or you can certainly rock out as I have done, with your favorite comfy jeans for a movie night out with the hun-boo or dinner and drinks with the girls. You are guaranteed to  get the "where did you get that from, that is too cute" from all who die with envy...LOL jk, but the Jacket is the second coming in my opinion...smiles

Sometimes I like to change it up a bit, most of the time I sex up my attire, but this time since I was a little depress, I decided to rock the jacket in a classic manner, with a pair of comfy roll up jeans also from [AV] to be cute and stylish, with a different flair, different at least for me...giggles...

To compliment my look, I threw on my Goshi pumps in Glaucous Panther from Mikee Mokeev of Mstyle, to give the fit that color pop, and then because I can NEVA resist a good looking Fedora, I found one in my closet to do me justice.

Now Dolls, let me tell you the Gaga about this Fedora, from creator Mikaela Rasmuson of Mika. This is not your daddy's Fedora, although, with the quality and classic fit it has, you might have your daddy wondering where you got it...hahahah...Mikaela slayed this and took no prisoners, and I know you may wonder why I'm gushing like this, as it looks simply like a regular Fedora, but here's where you would be mistaken; this is not like the others in SL. This hat fits superbly out of the hat box, and depending on the size of your head, there's virtually no adjusting needed and the best part of it all is that your hair doesn't show through the hat...NO dolls, NOT AT ALL...please believe me when I tell you.

Baaaby, can I tell you how many fierce hats are sitting in boxes in my closet for that lone many times I thought I was too cute for life, with a hawt hat that worked my fit into the next level, only to be tapped on the shoulder and told "nice hat, but your hair is sticking through it, just thought you should know," ruining not only my outfit, but my whole damn day as well.

Well, fear no more Dolls, because Mikaela has heard our prayers, yet; I must mention the only draw back is that she doesn't make them in to many colors...bummer I know, but like I always say..."Nothing beats a failure but a try" perhaps if you request another color, Ms. Mika may be so inclined to make it??

My bag is from Mimikri Kit of Mimikri entitled Suza which is a fun and wide bag that will carry all your necessities from your phone to your makeup kit...and I love that in a bag. My Circular shades are courtesy of Ms. Cora Lu of Paper Couture, my wig is from Kumii Yoshikawa of "SixtyNine" entitled Mia in Dark Sandy Blonde (and yes, you heard me my wig), and the chain belt is titled *Ja from Glow Studio.

Well Dolls, I hear my phone ringing in the background...its non-stop for this Fashion maven...until next safe, have fun and stay true... Huggies

MLOTD: *Hat: Fedora in Jet (Mika), Wig/Hair: Mia Dark Sandy Blonde (Sixty Nine), Shades: ( Paper Couture), Leather and Fur Jacket: (AV),  Jeans: Black roll up Jeans (AV), Shoes: Goshi Pumps in Glaucous Panther (Mstyle), Handbag: Suza (Mimikri)

*No Inworld store, products are only found on Marketplace

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