Saturday, November 26, 2011

Big and Sexy....

Hey Dollbabies;  Happy Thanksgiving/Black Friday to you...Hoping everyone had a beautiful holiday.  With the holiday OVA...I know many are out spending their hard earned lindens and dollar bills, but the Diva had to take a much needed break in order to recuperate from all that good food. Chile, I ate like tomorrow was never going to come.

Yet in all my gluttony glory, it left me feeling kinda sexy.*Giggles. Gut all poked out, thighs spreading by the minute, and feeling no shame. In fact, seeing myself in this manner liberated me from my mental shackles of always feeling the need to be beautified and sexed up.  No I'm not in the best shape, and yeah, my ass can stand to have a long discussion with the treadmill, but not today...I just didn't give a good gotdamn, LOL!

BTW, I love my curves, they are a gift from God and I show them off every single chance I get. No Dollbabies the Diva will not starve herself to fit into a dress or some jeans, if they don't make the ones I like in my size, guess what I will find some that do..BaDoop!!! I say this not to shame those who have problems in this area, that struggle with self image and the battle of the scale. On the contrary, I say to all of you...Bayybe, love yourselves, because Hunnay, if you don't, some poor idiot will take your self doubt and use it as a tool against you, and attempt further damage to your psyche. Lawd knows you don't need that do you? Thus, love yourselves as you are, self-acceptance is the first step to self love, hunnay!! 

So in honor of all those who stuffed themselves and felt good about it, even if its just for one day during the year, I took my clothes off and let all hang out...Cheers to you baybe!

Now on to the Gaga for the day:

Sidebar: As you know the Diva is teaching herself the wonders of Digital photography...I must say I'm having a ball.  The learning process of how all those beautiful pictures are done is very exciting to me, and I squeal with joy when I follow the steps as outlined and get the same results as the example given; the only down part is it takes me longer to blog because I want to give you all nice pics to go along with the fashion, as I believe the story unfolds in three distinctive but equally important parts, the story of the blog, the fashion and the photos...Sorry Dolls, I'm learning and picking it up as fast as I can and will continue to bring you the latest of my digital photo journey as it unfolds...Now on to the MLOTD

Because I could barely move from the couch when I was done with all that food, the Diva could only carry myself as far my feet would go, and that was to my bedroom and leading to the bed. Yet I was able to make a left turn to the closet and pull out some lingerie to illustrate my feelings of sexiness...smiles

This lingerie ensemble comes from one of my favorite places when I need something sexy and alluring, Amadeus Beattie, of Rock Me Amadeus fame...yes lovies. Anything, soft, frilly, stunning and barely there, he is the man..smiles, and not only is he a master at his craft, he loves to have sales, and we do love a good sale don't we girls?  This ensemble is entitled Alessia, which comes in a myriad of colors, I happen to be wearing bronze. I love the look and feel of this set. and while it is on the soft side it does support you where you need support the most.. I urge to run don't walk to Rock Me Amadeus, and see what they have in store for you.

Well Bellas, I'm going to find some clothes that fit and head out to join the crowds... Until next post, stay fierce.

    Credits:  Lingerie: Alessia in Bronze (Rock Me Amadeus) Hair: Sweet Iris ( Boudoir) Makeup: Classy Mu Natural (LG Concept) / Lips ( Jewelry-Eve Choker, Platinum-Diamond Ring (Ryca Jewelry) Cyrcle Bracelets (Redgrave) Shoes: Bare Katherine-Gold (Stiletto Moody)

1 comment:

  1. Girl you are looking sexy...Love the blog, keep up the good work :)
