Sunday, November 6, 2011

Effect Moods

Hello Dolls, the Diva's here...I know I've been M.I.A. but RL/SL has not be nice to me lately, so forgive me. I'm in an emotional mood. Sorry Dolls in advance. No, its not that I'm not in the mood, simply put, today is Sunday and while I'm usually in a jovial mood, and no matter what hits me, I'm able to rock it out, but this latest chain of events, has rocked me to the core.

Those that follow me, know that I live and breathe Meghindo Romano. Every other blog is something from her collections right? Okay peep this... I'm giving the short version of a long story, because I want my readers to be aware that those you show kindness to, may not do the same in return.  And you should let your lindens speak for you... That being said,  here's the Gaga:

What happens when you always buy from a store, so much so that you can't wear the items fast enough? What is the proper process, if you have an issue after the 30 day ability to access transaction history, otherwise known as your p.o.p. (Proof of Purchase)?  Do you bring the issue to the creator's attention and kindly ask for a replacement? Do you purchase the entire collection all over again? Well that's the question I pose to you all, as it pertains to me, I did the former.

I purchase so much from Meghindo's that I forget what I have, and don't open things up until long after I purchase it...well I had an event I was going to, and of course I'm going to show out, so it's a no brainer, I'm going in the closet to pull out something from Megs, now this particular outfit was special to me as it was a definite show stopper, so like I always do before a major event, I try on the fit I want to wear to see what if any adjustments are necessary (although with Meg's items, not much is needed in adjustments) but hey better safe than sorry.

Also I want to see what jewelry and shoes are going to compliment the outfit, but lo and behold when I open the bag, its all the wrong things in it.  Since, it was well past the time I purchased it originally; I took a picture of the items, copied the properties info and put it in a note card, explaining nicely and respectfully the issue and that I was sorry I no longer had access to the transaction history to offer proof, but I provided as much information as possible to give her an estimated date of when I originally purchased the collection.  I must mentioned that this has happened before, I've purchased a collection and somethings may be missing, if I have the trans info, I provide it, if not I provide the properties info, as it does tell when the item was purchased...

This is the only backup we have.  Now, in all truth I believe LL should have something else set up for when we purchase things, so we may always have a "receipt"' of some form, because trans info is only good for that month that you purchase things, if you have an issue beyond the 30 days, you are effectively "assed out" or SOOL (Sh*t Out Of Luck), unless the creator is understanding and willing to work with you..  Furthermore, I do understand that there are those who don't play fair and will try to get something for nothing. Also, I must say I don't look at permissions much unless, I have to adjust the item, however that is after I've purchased it and will wear it, if I need to mod it, then I check permissions to ensure I can tailor it to fit my shape...

Well Dollbabies, Meg was extremely busy making new collections, thus, my note card went unanswered for weeks.  I sent and resent it numerous times until I finally got a response, I was directed towards an assistant/CSM MentalKaos Akina, whom I've never met, or had any interactions with, but I didn't let that factor into our current interactions, I simply explained the issue, provided the details, and waited for her response, which was, "Well, I would like to help you but I need your transaction info as proof you purchased the item since Megs items are transferable.  We don't give replacements without proof, because how do we know someone didn't pass you the outfit or you passed it to someone?"  Well hunnay, I had to pick my jaw up off the floor, Did she just accuse the Diva of being a liar and a thief? Well I pressed on...I once again explained to Ms. Akina that I'm a LONG time customer of Meghindo's first, second, I own MORE THAN HALF of her entire store, that I need not lie about whether I purchased an item or received it from another party, and while I understand its after the 30 day period, and I don't have the trans info I did, however; provide you with the properties date of when I purchased how could I do that if someone passed it to me?

Thirdly, the entire outfit is wrong, the collection (Frivola) is silver, what is in the folder is a lavender dress? How is that my fault, she proceeded to berate me and then said I will speak with Meg and get back to you...I thought to myself...Okay I will just suck up the accusations and assassination of character, because Ms. Akina offered to confer with Meg, who knows me and is aware of the situation.

No, that's not what she did initially,  Ms. Akina, decides that she should make an announcement within the group chat, that "Due to folks attempting to get replacements without proof, Meg's collections will no longer be transferable"  Well Dolls, I gagged!  Not only did she take a personal issue and make it public, but it seemed that she was upset and wanted to retaliate against me, because I wouldn't just accept what she was saying.  Ms. Akina, then proceeded to make inflammatory remarks about how "Amazing it is that folks want replacements without proof but only have the portion of the folder that is trans"  Wow??? Then she stated "People who claim to be fans, I would expect them to know the store policy" That's where it got personal, I sign off to Meg "Your Fan GG" so she let me know it was me she was attacking and yes I felt attacked. All of this over ONE COLLECTION?????

Dolls I have no reason to lie or inventory (closet) as I like to call it, is 65-70% Meghindo wear...I have pictures to prove it, I will say that I was in shock because this was all over 1 outfit.  This is a designer that I loved from the day I found her, every other designer paled in comparison in MPO, I couldn't believe I was being verbally assaulted by a rep for the designer that I loved so much...  Nevertheless, Meg and Ms Akina did forward the correct collection, Ms. Akina and I worked things out and ended the conversation with virtual hugs...I went shopping there later that day...So imagine my shock, pain, and hurt when I find out a week later that I've been BANNED FROM THE STORE!!!!

After all the support, love, idolization I've given, not to mention Lindens (collections run from 250-1750, all new collections run 1500-1750) and I own 65-70% of them, you do the math... I wrote asking for an explanation, no response was received, I asked for a reconsideration, I was ignored, to be honest, I still can't believe it.. I'm my time in SL I've never had any negative interactions with creators, nor have I been banned from any store; so to be banned from my favorite store, cut like a knife.. but it taught me a lesson. No matter how nice, kind, respectful I was, I didn't use profanity, I didn't shout, I was calm, and understanding, and after all that I was still banned.  Thus, I will NEVER, give accolades to another designer for the remainder of my existence in SL, if I like something I will buy it; If I think you will like it I will blog it and tell you where you may purchase it..and that is all...So sad that customer loyalty is not honored or appreciated.  And you Meg, would-after knowing me, talking, and interacting with me-greenlight me to be banned after one
misunderstanding, that didn't even take place between you and I, is deplorable...

Funny thing I should mention, a few of my friends who I sent to Megs now tell me when they go its always empty...Karma, it always comes for be careful how you treat others...

Sorry Dolls, I know that was rather I will end it there..and give you the MLOD in the next blog.

Until then, Do unto others as you would have them do unto you...This is one of the first Bible passages I learned and I thought it befitting to add here in my closing...


PS. there's more to this, I didn't put everything, again I just wanted to alert my fellow shopaholics.

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