Sunday, November 20, 2011


Hey Dolls, guess who..because you loved it so much; I'm giving you a little more from Thrift.  I told you Ms. Mai is fit to be tied...go on and get some before the rest of SL finds out how fierce this shop is and then the secret will be out...This is my casual Saturday Shopping Fit...Enjoy Dollbabies

CreditsTop: Vanity Graphic Tee (Thrift) Pants: Everyday Jeans in Blue (Thrift) Shoes: Evil (Mea Culpa) Leather Jacket: Tips Jacket (Crazy) Hair: Amazzonia in Black Bitumen (Tuty's) Fedora: Fedora Hat Boheme 2 in Asparagus (Mika) Belt: *Ja Chain Belt in Silver (Glow Studio) Handbag: Hermes Birkin Red Drag Bag (**B.O.S.) Accessories: All jewelry courtesy of (Ryca Jewelry)

**Store Closed

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