Sunday, October 16, 2011

My Dark Side

Hello Dolls, The Diva is back...I know, I know, I've been neglectful, but I have a valid excuse, I'm recovering from an illness, and right now I have the worse vertigo known to man...So blame my circumstances not my lack of motivation...

Okay on with the GaGa(the look of the day)

The month of October, brings with it a myriad of events, the official start of the Fall season, Columbus day, and All Hallow's Eve ( That's Halloween Dolls). And in spirit of these events, I wanted to give life to my other half...My Dark Half, and while, not as dark and evil as Thad Beaumont of the Stephen King Novel by the same name, I must give an honorary nod to Mr.King, seeing as he's one of my favorite authors'. 

Admit it Chicas, we all have a side to us that for the most part, fails to see the light of day. Whether, you keep it hidden for fear of reprisals, or if it comes out only occasionally, on those days when someone is trying your patience, its the side that handles the events and circumstances that you normally would be uncomfortable with confronting.

Although, this has been done to death by the celebrities, including: Bey/Sascha, Gaga/Joe,  and Brandy/Bran-nu to name but a few, I wish to explore it a little further. I'm referencing that part of you that dwells deep within, that raw, carnal, and uninhibited part that lurks just beneath the surface, which would shock most to know it ever existed.  Yes, Dolls, I was feeling a bit uninhibited and unrepentant. As a result, these feelings gave life to the fit you see, now for some it may be sort of tame, but, honestly speaking...LOL I really couldn't give the full Monty..not yet anyway...Ha, here's the gaga:

I knew based upon my feelings I had to run, not walk to Meghindo's, as those of you who follow the Diva, know, that woman gives me life and can do NO WRONG in my eyes, and once again, she didn't disappoint, Ba Doop!!!

I slipped into the black netted bodysuit from the Losley collection. I love it because its bold, aggressive and sexy all in one; I paired the bodysuit with a pair of Snakeskin Jean Leggins, which hugs the curves Dolls, Please believe me when I tell you, these bad boys fit like a glove, hell two gloves, and put the curves on display in a sexy and alluring way, these speak to the bad girl in us that is longing for her day in the sun...Ha! I topped it off with the Sequined Belted Tuxedo Jacket also from the Losley collection, a juxtaposition of Dark and Light, as the jacket is dark but draped in sequins, providing the jacket with a nice sheen, a sparkle that is easily recognizable in the see the Diva is playing with all sorts of opposites.

Hammm Murcy, we get to my favorite piece in the entire collection...the shoe boots...Baaby, these mamas are too fierce for words...Hun-ney, when I tell you that Ms. Romano out did herself with these bitties right here, I ain't never lied...LOL...again from the Losley collection, they were a must for the Diva's closet.  Can I tell you the top of the boot, the netting portion had me gagging, not to mention how perfectly they compliment my bodysuit. 

The Diva momentarily lost control of normal bodily functions, I mean my mouth was agape so wide at the initial site of these works of art, I was catching flies for a living. Nonetheless, I couldn't help myself, when I eyed these boots, I had to have 'em, and Ghurl, when I put them on, Baaby, you couldn't tell me doop!!!  The Dark half, bad girl in me came to the forefront, just oozing sex appeal, confidence, and just plain ole BADNESS!!!

 Well lovies, the Diva is off to rest her head, but I will be back with another look of the day...until then...Stay Fierce!!!

 Look of the day: Bodysuit, Jacket, and boots, Losley Collection (Meghindo's) Snakeskin Jean Leggings (Meghindo's), All jewelry are the compliments of Ryca Doobie (Ryca Jewelry), Hair: Tavern in Brunette (Analog Dog-B)

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