Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Heyyyy Dollbabies! 

'Tis I the Diva, switching up gears a little sumpin, sumpin, I just want to fill you all in on what I've been doing since last rant..LOL! Recently, the Diva was accepted into a Sorority..Swagger Out Dollz and Gentz, yay me. And one of the funniest and fun-est (yes I made up a word, funest) things we had to do were tasks, and one of the tasks in particular served as inspiration to this post.

Throughout the initiation process, one of the many requirements for crossing over were completion of varied tasks.  At the conclusion of one of the final tasks, you were looking like who done it and ran...LMAO... This particular task sparked my creative thought process, but also, it fed my ego and I found, its okay not to be pretty all the time, its okay to not have your hair or nails done all the time, to forgo all the beauty regiments we put ourselves through and be plain, and allow true untouched beauty to shine. Yes, I know the Diva is high maintenance as they come, but this little break where I couldn't do my regular, shook up something in me to my very core, so I decided that I may every now and then bring you a break from my normal look, And I'm starting with this post. 

Now for the Gaga, the following look was inspired by both the one the tasks for crossover, and by the film Bladerunner, an oldie but a goodie, with Harrison Ford as a futuristic Cop charged  with locating and extinguishing "replicants" that escaped to Earth. This movie is good and if you haven't seen or heard of it, I advise you to rent/watch it on a day when you have some down time and are in the mood for a thrilling bad vs evil, or fight for redemption movie. Trust me, with Director Ridley Scott (Alien, Gladiator, American Gangster ) at the helm it most assuredly fails to disappoint.

As for the look, I put together some pieces from my closet, the bodysuit is from Epoque (You must check this store out. its good for your soul baybe), Since my thighs were still a bit on the juicy side from the holiday of late, I decided against bare legs for fear that my cellulite would show (mhm, yes I too battle the beast known as Cellulite), resulting in the most sexy, stylish, leather thigh-highs in creation from ISON (chile this is a brand that I discovered some time ago, and Harry Hyx has consistently shut it dowwwn ever since, don't believe me, don't take my word, taxi on down to ISON and see it in person...Chile it will give you L.I.F.E.) I couldn't decide what shoe would befit such an advantageous compilation, yet I knew it had to give me a lift, I needed a platform, and once again Epoque slayed for me, Mesa Platforms in Black- Faaded!

Now, it is November, and for some regions/grids that means Cold. And accordingly, Fur is back Baybe and in a big way in SL...whether you're a Fox, Mink, Chinchilla type or are more sensitive towards animal rights but love the option fun fur provides, both equally give your ensemble that hint of Sex and Glamour that only fur, in all its glory can give. Creators have committed to bringing you that sex and glamour, and Lelutka is one of those creators, and not to mention at the top of my list of favorite brands that make me break the bank baybe.  The bolero is entitled Irinushka in Chinchilla, but I wasn't done...Nooo baybe...how could I make this fit come to life without the right hair and makeup...You need those to give the perspective of the story...Chile  Ms. Neveah Niu, of Iconic did me justice and right on time I must say...Her new releases have something for everyone, and will complete any story you're attempting to tell or sell..Heyyy!! Iconic Diva in mono, a diva for a diva...hahahhahahah, and lastly...well you know sometimes I have to put on my face last, as I want to come correct or not at all...YOSSSS.  LG Concept when you want the makeup to make the difference is where to go!  So, to kill it, I had to go to Concept's Eyemask in Black and I paired it with a lip from Cecily Genna of C.G. Cosmetics, the girl is bad...Nuff Said!

Please enjoy the look, feel free to leave comments, criticisms, yays or nays... until next post bayybe's stay fierce!!! 

    Credits: Hair: Diva-Mono (Iconic), Clothing: Rigid Bodysuit Black (Epoque), Leggings: Leather Thigh highs (ISON), Shoes: Mesa Platforms (Epoque), Makeup: Eyemask (LG Concept), Lips: Gothic Plump Lip in Black (C.G. Cosmetics)**  Bolero: Irinushka Chinchilla (Lelutka), Accessories: All Jewelry courtesy of Ryca Doobie  (Ryca Jewelry)

**Contact Cecily Genna directly for information on where to get her makeups

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