Thursday, December 15, 2011

Heyyy Dollbabies

The Diva here, just wanted to let you know I'm kinda busy in SL but I will be back, promises...Kisses!!!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Heyyyy Dollbabies! 

'Tis I the Diva, switching up gears a little sumpin, sumpin, I just want to fill you all in on what I've been doing since last rant..LOL! Recently, the Diva was accepted into a Sorority..Swagger Out Dollz and Gentz, yay me. And one of the funniest and fun-est (yes I made up a word, funest) things we had to do were tasks, and one of the tasks in particular served as inspiration to this post.

Throughout the initiation process, one of the many requirements for crossing over were completion of varied tasks.  At the conclusion of one of the final tasks, you were looking like who done it and ran...LMAO... This particular task sparked my creative thought process, but also, it fed my ego and I found, its okay not to be pretty all the time, its okay to not have your hair or nails done all the time, to forgo all the beauty regiments we put ourselves through and be plain, and allow true untouched beauty to shine. Yes, I know the Diva is high maintenance as they come, but this little break where I couldn't do my regular, shook up something in me to my very core, so I decided that I may every now and then bring you a break from my normal look, And I'm starting with this post. 

Now for the Gaga, the following look was inspired by both the one the tasks for crossover, and by the film Bladerunner, an oldie but a goodie, with Harrison Ford as a futuristic Cop charged  with locating and extinguishing "replicants" that escaped to Earth. This movie is good and if you haven't seen or heard of it, I advise you to rent/watch it on a day when you have some down time and are in the mood for a thrilling bad vs evil, or fight for redemption movie. Trust me, with Director Ridley Scott (Alien, Gladiator, American Gangster ) at the helm it most assuredly fails to disappoint.

As for the look, I put together some pieces from my closet, the bodysuit is from Epoque (You must check this store out. its good for your soul baybe), Since my thighs were still a bit on the juicy side from the holiday of late, I decided against bare legs for fear that my cellulite would show (mhm, yes I too battle the beast known as Cellulite), resulting in the most sexy, stylish, leather thigh-highs in creation from ISON (chile this is a brand that I discovered some time ago, and Harry Hyx has consistently shut it dowwwn ever since, don't believe me, don't take my word, taxi on down to ISON and see it in person...Chile it will give you L.I.F.E.) I couldn't decide what shoe would befit such an advantageous compilation, yet I knew it had to give me a lift, I needed a platform, and once again Epoque slayed for me, Mesa Platforms in Black- Faaded!

Now, it is November, and for some regions/grids that means Cold. And accordingly, Fur is back Baybe and in a big way in SL...whether you're a Fox, Mink, Chinchilla type or are more sensitive towards animal rights but love the option fun fur provides, both equally give your ensemble that hint of Sex and Glamour that only fur, in all its glory can give. Creators have committed to bringing you that sex and glamour, and Lelutka is one of those creators, and not to mention at the top of my list of favorite brands that make me break the bank baybe.  The bolero is entitled Irinushka in Chinchilla, but I wasn't done...Nooo could I make this fit come to life without the right hair and makeup...You need those to give the perspective of the story...Chile  Ms. Neveah Niu, of Iconic did me justice and right on time I must say...Her new releases have something for everyone, and will complete any story you're attempting to tell or sell..Heyyy!! Iconic Diva in mono, a diva for a diva...hahahhahahah, and lastly...well you know sometimes I have to put on my face last, as I want to come correct or not at all...YOSSSS.  LG Concept when you want the makeup to make the difference is where to go!  So, to kill it, I had to go to Concept's Eyemask in Black and I paired it with a lip from Cecily Genna of C.G. Cosmetics, the girl is bad...Nuff Said!

Please enjoy the look, feel free to leave comments, criticisms, yays or nays... until next post bayybe's stay fierce!!! 

    Credits: Hair: Diva-Mono (Iconic), Clothing: Rigid Bodysuit Black (Epoque), Leggings: Leather Thigh highs (ISON), Shoes: Mesa Platforms (Epoque), Makeup: Eyemask (LG Concept), Lips: Gothic Plump Lip in Black (C.G. Cosmetics)**  Bolero: Irinushka Chinchilla (Lelutka), Accessories: All Jewelry courtesy of Ryca Doobie  (Ryca Jewelry)

**Contact Cecily Genna directly for information on where to get her makeups

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Some Hawtness!

Hey Dollbabies...just wanted to give a little extra since I'm in the giving mood...smiles.. My ghurl Ioan Jogiches of Crazy, has slayed them with these boots, I swear I looked like I caught flies for a living, as my mouth hung agape with shoe envy...Lawd when I saw them sitting in her Boutique, my heart began to race, I knew I would not be leaving the store without ' here they are in all there splendor Wedge Moscow Boots...Ham Murcy...Can't you just die, with the nice touch of sherling fur on top to help keep the legs nice and toasty, SMH, I can't!! These boots are too fierce.  Chile everyone was in box for these bad boys...So see here I am giving them to you, yes, the Diva does share...smiles

Tis All!!!

   Credits: Hair: Phenomena-Honeycomb Ombre (Lamb) Dress: Vintage Dress & Wedge Moscow Boots (Crazy) Sweater: Light Cardigan in Ivory (Beetlebones) Scarf: Docomo Muffler in Burberry (Marketplace), Handbag: Nika bag in Ivory (LG concept) Accessories: All Jewelry courtesy of Ryca Doobie (Ryca Jewelry)

Big and Sexy....

Hey Dollbabies;  Happy Thanksgiving/Black Friday to you...Hoping everyone had a beautiful holiday.  With the holiday OVA...I know many are out spending their hard earned lindens and dollar bills, but the Diva had to take a much needed break in order to recuperate from all that good food. Chile, I ate like tomorrow was never going to come.

Yet in all my gluttony glory, it left me feeling kinda sexy.*Giggles. Gut all poked out, thighs spreading by the minute, and feeling no shame. In fact, seeing myself in this manner liberated me from my mental shackles of always feeling the need to be beautified and sexed up.  No I'm not in the best shape, and yeah, my ass can stand to have a long discussion with the treadmill, but not today...I just didn't give a good gotdamn, LOL!

BTW, I love my curves, they are a gift from God and I show them off every single chance I get. No Dollbabies the Diva will not starve herself to fit into a dress or some jeans, if they don't make the ones I like in my size, guess what I will find some that do..BaDoop!!! I say this not to shame those who have problems in this area, that struggle with self image and the battle of the scale. On the contrary, I say to all of you...Bayybe, love yourselves, because Hunnay, if you don't, some poor idiot will take your self doubt and use it as a tool against you, and attempt further damage to your psyche. Lawd knows you don't need that do you? Thus, love yourselves as you are, self-acceptance is the first step to self love, hunnay!! 

So in honor of all those who stuffed themselves and felt good about it, even if its just for one day during the year, I took my clothes off and let all hang out...Cheers to you baybe!

Now on to the Gaga for the day:

Sidebar: As you know the Diva is teaching herself the wonders of Digital photography...I must say I'm having a ball.  The learning process of how all those beautiful pictures are done is very exciting to me, and I squeal with joy when I follow the steps as outlined and get the same results as the example given; the only down part is it takes me longer to blog because I want to give you all nice pics to go along with the fashion, as I believe the story unfolds in three distinctive but equally important parts, the story of the blog, the fashion and the photos...Sorry Dolls, I'm learning and picking it up as fast as I can and will continue to bring you the latest of my digital photo journey as it unfolds...Now on to the MLOTD

Because I could barely move from the couch when I was done with all that food, the Diva could only carry myself as far my feet would go, and that was to my bedroom and leading to the bed. Yet I was able to make a left turn to the closet and pull out some lingerie to illustrate my feelings of sexiness...smiles

This lingerie ensemble comes from one of my favorite places when I need something sexy and alluring, Amadeus Beattie, of Rock Me Amadeus fame...yes lovies. Anything, soft, frilly, stunning and barely there, he is the man..smiles, and not only is he a master at his craft, he loves to have sales, and we do love a good sale don't we girls?  This ensemble is entitled Alessia, which comes in a myriad of colors, I happen to be wearing bronze. I love the look and feel of this set. and while it is on the soft side it does support you where you need support the most.. I urge to run don't walk to Rock Me Amadeus, and see what they have in store for you.

Well Bellas, I'm going to find some clothes that fit and head out to join the crowds... Until next post, stay fierce.

    Credits:  Lingerie: Alessia in Bronze (Rock Me Amadeus) Hair: Sweet Iris ( Boudoir) Makeup: Classy Mu Natural (LG Concept) / Lips ( Jewelry-Eve Choker, Platinum-Diamond Ring (Ryca Jewelry) Cyrcle Bracelets (Redgrave) Shoes: Bare Katherine-Gold (Stiletto Moody)

Sunday, November 20, 2011


Hey Dolls, guess who..because you loved it so much; I'm giving you a little more from Thrift.  I told you Ms. Mai is fit to be tied...go on and get some before the rest of SL finds out how fierce this shop is and then the secret will be out...This is my casual Saturday Shopping Fit...Enjoy Dollbabies

CreditsTop: Vanity Graphic Tee (Thrift) Pants: Everyday Jeans in Blue (Thrift) Shoes: Evil (Mea Culpa) Leather Jacket: Tips Jacket (Crazy) Hair: Amazzonia in Black Bitumen (Tuty's) Fedora: Fedora Hat Boheme 2 in Asparagus (Mika) Belt: *Ja Chain Belt in Silver (Glow Studio) Handbag: Hermes Birkin Red Drag Bag (**B.O.S.) Accessories: All jewelry courtesy of (Ryca Jewelry)

**Store Closed

Friday, November 18, 2011

Where in the world is GG???

Hey Dolls...Yes, I know I haven't been here like I'm supposed to be, but good news is on the horizon...first, the Diva has moved...yay...Chile I had this big ole house and couldn't have folks over or do anything fun or worthwhile due to fact the sim had to much lag...So I went out and found me a kyoot little place that is perfect for me...a Brownstone...4 levels in great be happy for me.

Secondly, the Diva has been invited to join an organization, but because I'm superstitious, I don't want to give out too many details, just cross your fingers for me, there are a few things that must be adhered to, so, I will keep you all abreast of my progress and should I get a formal in...Bayyybe, I will give up all the Gaga...

And last but not least, RL is on the upstroke as well, and that's all I can say for here's the Gaga for you hunay...

MLOTD is too HAWT for words, its from a fairly new designer that I happened upon and when you see it, please refrain from 

Mai Bilavio is the owner/creator of Thrift...but don't let the name fool you ghurl.  Thrift is a boutique on the rise; a perfect marriage between Hip-Hop and Couture, Ms. Bilavio gives it to you straight to DEATH; from Jeans and tops to cute graphic tees and too sexy for life dresses and leggings, all in a myriad of colors to suit just about every palate, from pastels, to bold color blocks and prints, and she didn't forget our men neither, yes baybe, I can't tell it all, you will have to go see for yourself. Ms. Bilavio has a little something for everyone.  When I happened upon this boutique, I had to fight myself to keep my credit card in my wallet, and not buy everything in the entire store. Chile, the Diva went on a mini-shopping spree, because I just had to get me some of Ms. Bilavio's wears ghurl.  As testament to this, below is just one of the looks you will see the Diva in. Do yourself a favor and get down to Thrift, you owe it to yourself and your wardrobe.  And, not to worry...Mama took care of ya...find your taxi below when you click the link!!!

Credits:  Hair: Glass Candy (Ugly Red Lipstick)- Lamb  Shoes: Shark Xtreme Heel (Passion)-N-Core
Clothing: Firecracker Glitter Mini -Thrift   Bag: Louis Vuitton Brown Sport Shopper-*B.O.S.
Accessories: Necklace: Treasure Bib- Paper Couture Sunglasses: DN Gold/Brown-Ryca
Earrings: Iced CZ (Platinum)-Ryca  Bangles: Right Hand- DXL (Gold)/Left Hand-DBL (Gold)-Ryca
Rings: Left hand: Misy-s (Platinum)-Ryca / Right Hand: Stravinsky Ring Coco (Gold)  U&R Dogs

*Store Closed

Well Dollbabies, the Diva is off to begin life in my new Brownstone, I'm in the process of deco. so until the next blog, be fly, and stay fierce!!!

Sunday, November 6, 2011


Hey Dolls,

After my last post, I had to give you a little fashion, I felt bad for not doing so, so here is the GAGA (MLOD):

MLOD: Top: Mona Poncho in Gray (Aleida), Pants: High Waisted Tuxedo Pants in Gray (Coco), Shoes: Ultraplatforms in Bordeaux (N-Core), Bag: Glam Tote in Red (+Plus), Jewelry: Bangle/Necklace in Silver (*all courtesy of Ryca Doobie of Ryca Jewelry

Effect Moods

Hello Dolls, the Diva's here...I know I've been M.I.A. but RL/SL has not be nice to me lately, so forgive me. I'm in an emotional mood. Sorry Dolls in advance. No, its not that I'm not in the mood, simply put, today is Sunday and while I'm usually in a jovial mood, and no matter what hits me, I'm able to rock it out, but this latest chain of events, has rocked me to the core.

Those that follow me, know that I live and breathe Meghindo Romano. Every other blog is something from her collections right? Okay peep this... I'm giving the short version of a long story, because I want my readers to be aware that those you show kindness to, may not do the same in return.  And you should let your lindens speak for you... That being said,  here's the Gaga:

What happens when you always buy from a store, so much so that you can't wear the items fast enough? What is the proper process, if you have an issue after the 30 day ability to access transaction history, otherwise known as your p.o.p. (Proof of Purchase)?  Do you bring the issue to the creator's attention and kindly ask for a replacement? Do you purchase the entire collection all over again? Well that's the question I pose to you all, as it pertains to me, I did the former.

I purchase so much from Meghindo's that I forget what I have, and don't open things up until long after I purchase it...well I had an event I was going to, and of course I'm going to show out, so it's a no brainer, I'm going in the closet to pull out something from Megs, now this particular outfit was special to me as it was a definite show stopper, so like I always do before a major event, I try on the fit I want to wear to see what if any adjustments are necessary (although with Meg's items, not much is needed in adjustments) but hey better safe than sorry.

Also I want to see what jewelry and shoes are going to compliment the outfit, but lo and behold when I open the bag, its all the wrong things in it.  Since, it was well past the time I purchased it originally; I took a picture of the items, copied the properties info and put it in a note card, explaining nicely and respectfully the issue and that I was sorry I no longer had access to the transaction history to offer proof, but I provided as much information as possible to give her an estimated date of when I originally purchased the collection.  I must mentioned that this has happened before, I've purchased a collection and somethings may be missing, if I have the trans info, I provide it, if not I provide the properties info, as it does tell when the item was purchased...

This is the only backup we have.  Now, in all truth I believe LL should have something else set up for when we purchase things, so we may always have a "receipt"' of some form, because trans info is only good for that month that you purchase things, if you have an issue beyond the 30 days, you are effectively "assed out" or SOOL (Sh*t Out Of Luck), unless the creator is understanding and willing to work with you..  Furthermore, I do understand that there are those who don't play fair and will try to get something for nothing. Also, I must say I don't look at permissions much unless, I have to adjust the item, however that is after I've purchased it and will wear it, if I need to mod it, then I check permissions to ensure I can tailor it to fit my shape...

Well Dollbabies, Meg was extremely busy making new collections, thus, my note card went unanswered for weeks.  I sent and resent it numerous times until I finally got a response, I was directed towards an assistant/CSM MentalKaos Akina, whom I've never met, or had any interactions with, but I didn't let that factor into our current interactions, I simply explained the issue, provided the details, and waited for her response, which was, "Well, I would like to help you but I need your transaction info as proof you purchased the item since Megs items are transferable.  We don't give replacements without proof, because how do we know someone didn't pass you the outfit or you passed it to someone?"  Well hunnay, I had to pick my jaw up off the floor, Did she just accuse the Diva of being a liar and a thief? Well I pressed on...I once again explained to Ms. Akina that I'm a LONG time customer of Meghindo's first, second, I own MORE THAN HALF of her entire store, that I need not lie about whether I purchased an item or received it from another party, and while I understand its after the 30 day period, and I don't have the trans info I did, however; provide you with the properties date of when I purchased how could I do that if someone passed it to me?

Thirdly, the entire outfit is wrong, the collection (Frivola) is silver, what is in the folder is a lavender dress? How is that my fault, she proceeded to berate me and then said I will speak with Meg and get back to you...I thought to myself...Okay I will just suck up the accusations and assassination of character, because Ms. Akina offered to confer with Meg, who knows me and is aware of the situation.

No, that's not what she did initially,  Ms. Akina, decides that she should make an announcement within the group chat, that "Due to folks attempting to get replacements without proof, Meg's collections will no longer be transferable"  Well Dolls, I gagged!  Not only did she take a personal issue and make it public, but it seemed that she was upset and wanted to retaliate against me, because I wouldn't just accept what she was saying.  Ms. Akina, then proceeded to make inflammatory remarks about how "Amazing it is that folks want replacements without proof but only have the portion of the folder that is trans"  Wow??? Then she stated "People who claim to be fans, I would expect them to know the store policy" That's where it got personal, I sign off to Meg "Your Fan GG" so she let me know it was me she was attacking and yes I felt attacked. All of this over ONE COLLECTION?????

Dolls I have no reason to lie or inventory (closet) as I like to call it, is 65-70% Meghindo wear...I have pictures to prove it, I will say that I was in shock because this was all over 1 outfit.  This is a designer that I loved from the day I found her, every other designer paled in comparison in MPO, I couldn't believe I was being verbally assaulted by a rep for the designer that I loved so much...  Nevertheless, Meg and Ms Akina did forward the correct collection, Ms. Akina and I worked things out and ended the conversation with virtual hugs...I went shopping there later that day...So imagine my shock, pain, and hurt when I find out a week later that I've been BANNED FROM THE STORE!!!!

After all the support, love, idolization I've given, not to mention Lindens (collections run from 250-1750, all new collections run 1500-1750) and I own 65-70% of them, you do the math... I wrote asking for an explanation, no response was received, I asked for a reconsideration, I was ignored, to be honest, I still can't believe it.. I'm my time in SL I've never had any negative interactions with creators, nor have I been banned from any store; so to be banned from my favorite store, cut like a knife.. but it taught me a lesson. No matter how nice, kind, respectful I was, I didn't use profanity, I didn't shout, I was calm, and understanding, and after all that I was still banned.  Thus, I will NEVER, give accolades to another designer for the remainder of my existence in SL, if I like something I will buy it; If I think you will like it I will blog it and tell you where you may purchase it..and that is all...So sad that customer loyalty is not honored or appreciated.  And you Meg, would-after knowing me, talking, and interacting with me-greenlight me to be banned after one
misunderstanding, that didn't even take place between you and I, is deplorable...

Funny thing I should mention, a few of my friends who I sent to Megs now tell me when they go its always empty...Karma, it always comes for be careful how you treat others...

Sorry Dolls, I know that was rather I will end it there..and give you the MLOD in the next blog.

Until then, Do unto others as you would have them do unto you...This is one of the first Bible passages I learned and I thought it befitting to add here in my closing...


PS. there's more to this, I didn't put everything, again I just wanted to alert my fellow shopaholics.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Change is Inevitable...Flow with it

Hey Dolls, the Diva here..Heyyy, how youu doing?  I will give up the Gaga in a sec, but before we get to MLOTD (My look of the day), I just want to gab for a moment about the inspiration for this look, which is truly cas...

The Diva was feeling a bit down, not only was I experiencing issues in RL (illness), but upon logging on one day, I began to have issues with someone I thought I was close to. Now the Diva will neva name names, because that is just W.R.O.N.G. but otherwise, I want to vent for a sec. When I came to SL, baaaby, I was having me a gang of fun you here me, I was exploring, looking cute, turning heads and had a handful of folks that I could depend on to keep me in a bag full of giggles... Now I'm not giving y'all the novel version b/c I know I can be rather long winded, but things change and change is apart of life, especially in SL, the person you think is your BFF/Sister/Brother/Aunt/Mother/Confidant today, will turn on you over the smallest infraction, I learned this the VERY hard way...So ladies, forewarned is careful who you provide those titles to, b/c hunnay...not everyone is meant to be in your life for longevity, some are momentary, and come to show you the path you're supposed to be on, be selective who you make family, friends, lovers, etc.. and please, keep your RL B.I. to yourself, lawd knows you don't want your info spread all over SL, Chile...okay thats my gab for the day... on to the Gaga! Baa Doop!!

Dolls, we begin with this O.M.G. Jacket... I must tell you how much this Jacket gave me LIFE!!! I simply adore this Jacket. When I saw it, I knew I would spend my very last money on it if necessary. This fierce piece is from one of my favorite stores/designers, Miraiwave Iwish of [Awram-Vile] fame.  This store-ever since I discovered it- is my go to spot when I want that one-of-kind piece.  Mirai does the damn thing until is O.V.E.R. and done, I can't stand it, and  Baabby I'm about to pass out.....Ha! Okay gaining some composure about myself, so I can finish...Okay here we go.

This bad-ass Leather and fur Jacket, as luck would have it, would come to me as a gift, I did not have to spend a red dime;  I was able to get it as a freebie (Lucky Prize), yay me. This bad boy is a sizzling mixture of leather and fur, sorry all my Peta friends, but I just couldn't resist this one...and the fur is fun fur btw so I hope that makes up for my choice, at least a little. The jacket is the perfect piece to wear casual or dress it up with a pair of wide leg trousers or tuxedo pants or you can certainly rock out as I have done, with your favorite comfy jeans for a movie night out with the hun-boo or dinner and drinks with the girls. You are guaranteed to  get the "where did you get that from, that is too cute" from all who die with envy...LOL jk, but the Jacket is the second coming in my opinion...smiles

Sometimes I like to change it up a bit, most of the time I sex up my attire, but this time since I was a little depress, I decided to rock the jacket in a classic manner, with a pair of comfy roll up jeans also from [AV] to be cute and stylish, with a different flair, different at least for me...giggles...

To compliment my look, I threw on my Goshi pumps in Glaucous Panther from Mikee Mokeev of Mstyle, to give the fit that color pop, and then because I can NEVA resist a good looking Fedora, I found one in my closet to do me justice.

Now Dolls, let me tell you the Gaga about this Fedora, from creator Mikaela Rasmuson of Mika. This is not your daddy's Fedora, although, with the quality and classic fit it has, you might have your daddy wondering where you got it...hahahah...Mikaela slayed this and took no prisoners, and I know you may wonder why I'm gushing like this, as it looks simply like a regular Fedora, but here's where you would be mistaken; this is not like the others in SL. This hat fits superbly out of the hat box, and depending on the size of your head, there's virtually no adjusting needed and the best part of it all is that your hair doesn't show through the hat...NO dolls, NOT AT ALL...please believe me when I tell you.

Baaaby, can I tell you how many fierce hats are sitting in boxes in my closet for that lone many times I thought I was too cute for life, with a hawt hat that worked my fit into the next level, only to be tapped on the shoulder and told "nice hat, but your hair is sticking through it, just thought you should know," ruining not only my outfit, but my whole damn day as well.

Well, fear no more Dolls, because Mikaela has heard our prayers, yet; I must mention the only draw back is that she doesn't make them in to many colors...bummer I know, but like I always say..."Nothing beats a failure but a try" perhaps if you request another color, Ms. Mika may be so inclined to make it??

My bag is from Mimikri Kit of Mimikri entitled Suza which is a fun and wide bag that will carry all your necessities from your phone to your makeup kit...and I love that in a bag. My Circular shades are courtesy of Ms. Cora Lu of Paper Couture, my wig is from Kumii Yoshikawa of "SixtyNine" entitled Mia in Dark Sandy Blonde (and yes, you heard me my wig), and the chain belt is titled *Ja from Glow Studio.

Well Dolls, I hear my phone ringing in the background...its non-stop for this Fashion maven...until next safe, have fun and stay true... Huggies

MLOTD: *Hat: Fedora in Jet (Mika), Wig/Hair: Mia Dark Sandy Blonde (Sixty Nine), Shades: ( Paper Couture), Leather and Fur Jacket: (AV),  Jeans: Black roll up Jeans (AV), Shoes: Goshi Pumps in Glaucous Panther (Mstyle), Handbag: Suza (Mimikri)

*No Inworld store, products are only found on Marketplace

Sunday, October 16, 2011

My Dark Side

Hello Dolls, The Diva is back...I know, I know, I've been neglectful, but I have a valid excuse, I'm recovering from an illness, and right now I have the worse vertigo known to man...So blame my circumstances not my lack of motivation...

Okay on with the GaGa(the look of the day)

The month of October, brings with it a myriad of events, the official start of the Fall season, Columbus day, and All Hallow's Eve ( That's Halloween Dolls). And in spirit of these events, I wanted to give life to my other half...My Dark Half, and while, not as dark and evil as Thad Beaumont of the Stephen King Novel by the same name, I must give an honorary nod to Mr.King, seeing as he's one of my favorite authors'. 

Admit it Chicas, we all have a side to us that for the most part, fails to see the light of day. Whether, you keep it hidden for fear of reprisals, or if it comes out only occasionally, on those days when someone is trying your patience, its the side that handles the events and circumstances that you normally would be uncomfortable with confronting.

Although, this has been done to death by the celebrities, including: Bey/Sascha, Gaga/Joe,  and Brandy/Bran-nu to name but a few, I wish to explore it a little further. I'm referencing that part of you that dwells deep within, that raw, carnal, and uninhibited part that lurks just beneath the surface, which would shock most to know it ever existed.  Yes, Dolls, I was feeling a bit uninhibited and unrepentant. As a result, these feelings gave life to the fit you see, now for some it may be sort of tame, but, honestly speaking...LOL I really couldn't give the full Monty..not yet anyway...Ha, here's the gaga:

I knew based upon my feelings I had to run, not walk to Meghindo's, as those of you who follow the Diva, know, that woman gives me life and can do NO WRONG in my eyes, and once again, she didn't disappoint, Ba Doop!!!

I slipped into the black netted bodysuit from the Losley collection. I love it because its bold, aggressive and sexy all in one; I paired the bodysuit with a pair of Snakeskin Jean Leggins, which hugs the curves Dolls, Please believe me when I tell you, these bad boys fit like a glove, hell two gloves, and put the curves on display in a sexy and alluring way, these speak to the bad girl in us that is longing for her day in the sun...Ha! I topped it off with the Sequined Belted Tuxedo Jacket also from the Losley collection, a juxtaposition of Dark and Light, as the jacket is dark but draped in sequins, providing the jacket with a nice sheen, a sparkle that is easily recognizable in the see the Diva is playing with all sorts of opposites.

Hammm Murcy, we get to my favorite piece in the entire collection...the shoe boots...Baaby, these mamas are too fierce for words...Hun-ney, when I tell you that Ms. Romano out did herself with these bitties right here, I ain't never lied...LOL...again from the Losley collection, they were a must for the Diva's closet.  Can I tell you the top of the boot, the netting portion had me gagging, not to mention how perfectly they compliment my bodysuit. 

The Diva momentarily lost control of normal bodily functions, I mean my mouth was agape so wide at the initial site of these works of art, I was catching flies for a living. Nonetheless, I couldn't help myself, when I eyed these boots, I had to have 'em, and Ghurl, when I put them on, Baaby, you couldn't tell me doop!!!  The Dark half, bad girl in me came to the forefront, just oozing sex appeal, confidence, and just plain ole BADNESS!!!

 Well lovies, the Diva is off to rest her head, but I will be back with another look of the day...until then...Stay Fierce!!!

 Look of the day: Bodysuit, Jacket, and boots, Losley Collection (Meghindo's) Snakeskin Jean Leggings (Meghindo's), All jewelry are the compliments of Ryca Doobie (Ryca Jewelry), Hair: Tavern in Brunette (Analog Dog-B)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

What's She Working With???

Hey Gurlies, The Diva here, while this is not my normal look of the day, it is something I want to show off because I know I have a few teen lurkers and I want to show them a little sumthin, sumthin, for going out to the club with friends...So here is a side GaGa for the day:

Now I understand that its standard practice to show a little (or a lot depending on the person) of skin, when we are at the club, but sorry gurls, the Diva doesn't always follow the rules, and as such, I set the trend.  The following is what I wore to the club the other night with my sister Tia.  I believe you can still be sexy, eye catching and alluring, while being covered up. Let's learn to leave a little mystery, let 'em work for it hunnays...LOL.

 The look is a smorgasbord  of collectables in my closet, since my sister decided she wanted to dance at last minute notice, I had to put on something quick, I think it came out quite showstopping if you ask the Diva...Heyyy
My Fishscale throw, from the Villan collection and Camoscio Platforms in Taupe are available at Meghindo's,  from Meghindo Romano (my girl...woot woot); the Cross Top Sequin tank in Champagne is from Gyorgyna Larnia of LG femme fame. Additionally, the Sequin jeans I'm rocking  in Nacre are from Redgrave.  Now, in order to give my fit some L.I.F.E.; I threw on my Ofelia II Shades from Role Optic, now Bayybe, if you want some realistic, straight stunning shades/sunglasses to make 'em pause and double-take, take that taxi down to Role Optic, Mr. Rohal Schnyder, is not to be denied...He is the truth when it comes to his shades, don't believe me, go and see for yourself...

My accessories are as follows:  Bangles in Brown from the Takara Collection at Mandala (Right hand) , Left hand: Wide Bangle in Copper from +Plus, SN( if you're not familiar with +Plus, hunnay, you are missing out, in my opinion +Plus has the accessories on lock, everything from bags, belts, and bangles, in metals, pastels, and African/Animal prints... I love +Plus, and trust, once you visit, so will you; +Plus gets an A plus from the Diva.) Chain belt in Gold is from the JA Collection at Glow Studio, which is also available in Silver.  My necklace (not shown) which is hard to see due to my throw is Necklace Hearts in Gold of  Ryca Jewelry from Ryca Doobie (also available in Silver) and you know I had to kill 'em for the night so the Diva switched it up and gave them some Blonde Ambition..Ha/ Hair: Blythe in Blonde Fun from Lelutka.

Now, pay no mind to the effects in the pics, as previously stated, the Diva is teaching herself the wonders of digital photography, thus every time I learn something new, I'm going to attempt to showcase it, but back to the night at hand.  Bayybe, we had ourselves a ball and two or three, we went to my girl Meko's RL Bday party, and party we did. And even though we had the nakies up in the club, the Diva still got all kinds of love, so it goes to show, that you can be sexy, and a showstopper, and still make 'em wonder what you working with...Chillle

Okay Hunnays, I know there's a sale somewhere or a new fall collection that I must see, so I will be checking in later, as always, comments and feedback are welcome and appreciated... Later Dollbabies!!!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

She's Backkkkk????

Hey Ghurls (and guys if you happen to be passing thru): The Diva has returned, after being in limbo about blogging and whether or not to continue, I was encouraged to keep, keeping on, so I wish to thank those who support and encouraged me to continue, I hope I will not disappoint you. 

Okay, before I begin with the look of the day, I want to inform you of a few things: One, I'm not proficient in Photoshop or Gimp, I'm doing my best to teach myself, and in fact you may (or may not) see improvement as I continue on this journey, but if you have tips and/or suggestions, I welcome and appreciate them. 

Secondly, Fashion in and of itself is entirely subjective, I put this as a disclaimer because this blog is not me professing to be SL's greatest dresser, I dress for me and no one else, what you see me wearing here, is what and how I would put it together in real life, GG is my digital me, I guess you're wondering why I'm writing this, well I frequently peruse the blogs for SL, and I read the comments, and some are downright NASTY... While everyone is entitled to their own opinion, its not necessary to rank on someone's choice of fashion or how they put together an outfit, bloggers for the most part, are folks who love fashion and dress up, there's no honorarium for blogging, its another creative outlet, so as my Mama would say if you can't say something nice, keep your opinion to yourself...*jumps down off the soap box to begin the look of the day...

 Asian Motif Enchanting
 After meditating and relaxing near my home; I was so invigorated, I wanted to do an Asian Motif theme, so Viola...I stumbled across June Dion of BareRose, totally by accident, but if I could have more accidents like this one, I could die and go to fashion heaven. How often do you get lost in SL only to find a treasure, chile, BareRose Couture beat me all over my fashion head, not only does June have beautiful textured kimonos for Women and Men, but her hand bags STANK...for all those not privy to my fashion jargon, Stank means that something is so bad as in F.I.E.R.C.E., it stanks, and June's bags stank to all high heaven; realistic, fashionable, and affordable, not to mention, you can find one in a color to suit just about every palate in your closet.  I don't want to give away the prices, but you owe it to yourself to check her out; I thought it was a mistake or in the very least a sale, but no girlfriends, those prices are the everyday prices.

Okay now for the Gaga: The top is from Ms. June's Kimono collection entitled Wakatora, when I got home with this gem, honnney, I passed out, you get not only one Kimono, but you get 5, one in every color, Black, Blue, Green, Purple, and White, and chile if I tell you how much I paid...well, I'm not, because you have to go see for yourself, Ms. June has made a repeat customer out of the Diva, since discovering her, I been back 5 times and will continue too, humpf.

I decided to keep it casual but chic, thus, I paired my lovely kimono top with some comfy but stylish Soho shorts from another of my favorite designers, Lelutka in Straw; my wrap belt, was a gem found at Fishy Strawberry, I love everything Fae creates, I mean you can always find something to accentuate your wardrobe at Fishy, the Tied big belt in Biscuit Brown comes in 3 other great colors, and you can dress it up or down, jeans, dress, or with a blazer or sweater, the perfect accessory if you ask the Diva, boop boop!!

With the changing of the weather upon us, I decided to not bare leg it but to continue my Asian theme, with some tights from AV, entitled Asian Green, how befitting, I'm really beginning to love stockings, tights, pantyhose, etc, I'm a leg girl myself and I must admit, I love the print and the color compliments my kimono top very well, don't you think? I threw on a pair of Saffron pumps in Tan, also by Lelutka, to hit the fit in the head, and because I needed something to carry, my keys, wallet, makeup bag, and phone, Maicao bag in Sand, also from Lelutka to the rescue.  With my look now completed, I'm off to find the treasures of the day girls, so I will be talking to you soon...Happy Shopping

I want to add one more thing about June Dion, BareRose, and all the other creators that fall under this guise, I must thank creators like June, that take the time to make these fashions must-haves, while taking into consideration the consumer, I have an understanding of just how much time and effort goes into creating a top, so for Ms. Dion to make these beautiful items, and not charge an arm, leg and two feet, its a blessing that I must acknowledge and invite you to take advantage of.  If you are into the Asian culture, or if not, if you're like me and simply love kimonos and bags, I urge you to get down to BareRose, she has so much to offer, and if you find your self a little overwhelmed, not to worry she has a search catalog, that will tp you directly to your item...Gawd!!! what else could you ask for...Okay Chicas, the stores are calling...Ciao Bellas
Look of the Day: Top: BareRose Wakatora Kimono (Green), Shorts: Lelutka Soho Shorts (Straw),  Shoes: Lelutka Saffron Pumps (Tan), Hair: Sakin Boon (YNO421 Black) Choker: Ryca (LX Platinum), Earrings: Barcode (Glam Girl Icey Hoops), Bangles: Ryca (CBL Silver), Bracelet: Ryca (Gucci Platinum), Handbag: Lelutka Maicao (Sand)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Funni how time flies...

Goodness me, where did the Summer go?, I feel as though one day I went to sleep and it was June, and woke up mid dream, only to realize it was August..Geesh!   Well, that being said, I thought it would befitting to show some of the last tidbits of Summer to you before we blink and its Labor Day...Let's go for a ride, shall we?

First, I bring to you a Ruffle Maxi dress from Ebony Khan, of Hucci, I know I'm not alone when I say I love Ebony's style, which in my opinion is a mix of Sexiness, a wee bit of Lady, and dare I say "Hoochie" for the Hoochie-mama in all of us (I kid). This Maxi dress is one of my favorites, since I love long flowy dresses, you know on those hot summer days...we ladies need all the breeze we can get, especially in those delicate areas...right girls, I happen to be wearing the Blue Batik of the set, which comes in 4 other flowy delicate colors, including: Purple, Green, and Blue Animal, and Pink Batik. This dress is perfect for those evening dates with your special someone, or maxing out that Platinum Amex Card on weekend shopping sprees with the girls...Another thing I want to mention is Ebony "werks it out" as we say in fashion corners, in terms of prints, quality, style and budget.  No matter how intricate the detail of the prim or sculpty, it will always fit your budget, and I'm sure my fellow shoppers really appreciate that, quality without breaking that Gucci wallet...Heyyyy...

Next...OMG..I'm so excited about this...its from the woman close to my fashion heart...Meghindo Romano of Meghindo's...OOO Wee, I love this woman...she can do no wrong in my eye...whether it be dresses, gowns, skirts, pants, jeans, Meggy as I affectionately call her, brings grace, sex appeal, and sass to every prim she puts her hands on.  Its very hard for me to stop in her store and just look, I always walk out with something, no matter how many times I say to myself GG, we are not going to get anything, I feel as though I'm a kid in a candy store when I go to Meg's.

First up is Panan, in Ocean Teal, an awesome mixture of Teal and Turquoise; (Wow, I love the sound of those two beautiful colors together), with gold accents. While I must admit I have been skipping out on my gym sessions, I did want to do justice to Meg's new Swimsuit line; Thus, I asked a good friend of mine who has a house on the beach, would she mind if I did some sunbathing? I must say, I was able to get a nice tan in this number, as it only covers just what is necessary and is definitely an eye catcher.This suit hugs you in all the right places, as I really dislike a swimsuit that doesn't provide you with the support you in need in the upper area, but this one fails to disappoint. F.I.E.R.C.E.N.E.S.S. is written all over this one, ladies,

Another Suit from Meg's swimsuit line and my personal favorite is Secretto...Now, talk about about an absolute stunner and head turner, all in one...this is not a suit for swimming, although, who am I to say you can't, but its my suggestion that when you hit the beach in this, it is for mere attention grabbing at its finest. A mix of of bronze and cream, with a interlocking cover  up in the middle, this suit will have heads turning and lips flapping, so don't be surprised if you are the topic of discussion for the day.

Yes, I know you're wondering why would I want to blog about swimsuits near the end of Summer, well Lovies, its not over yet.. And as long as the weather permits, I suggest, you spread your wings and fly on down to Meghindo's and pick up a sultry suit and get your show stopping on...

Well Divas and Gents, the waves are calling and the sand is hot, so until next time...Stay Fierce!!!

*Accessories for all my looks are the compliments of Ryca Doobie of RYCA Jewelry Please see below for details.

 Look #1 
Dress: Ruffle Maxi Dress (Blue Batik), Hucci
Accessories: Choker LX Platinum, Bangle D-Wave in Silver, Hoop De in Platinum (not shown), all from Ryca Jewelry
Hair: Upp382 in Blonde, Boon
Shoes:  Mayane Heels in Turquoise (not shown), Angelic Lefevre  
GG's Pug English Mink Dynasty Nicoletti, Zooby Pug

Swimsuit: Panan in Ocean Teal by Meghindo Romano of Meghindo's
Shoes: Sense 2 in Turquoise, N-Core
Hair: Upp382  in Blonde, Boon
Accessories: Necklace: CGN in Gold, Ryca Jewelry
Sunglasses: Ofelia II in Bronze, Role Optic

Look #3:
Swimsuit: Secretto in Bronze/Cream by Meghindo Romano, Meghindo's
Hair: Knotted Hair in Blonde, Lelutka
Shoes: Moody Bare Katherine in Gold, Stiletto Moody
Accessories: Earrings BRD (shrimp style) in Gold, Bracelet, charm DRP, in Gold, Ring: DSWR in Platinum (left hand), Bracelet, Chain MXD (right hand), in Gold: Ryca Jewelry

Friday, August 5, 2011

Yellow Daze:

I really love the color yellow, and although its not my favorite, I do love it ever so much.Yellow, and all its brightness, puts me in very good mood, and invokes feelings of warmth and good times, it is because of yellow's inviting hue, that I chose it to be apart of my first "official" blog.  The pics were taken near one of the many shops I frequent and hope to bring to you sometime in the near future, Tutti Frutti by the lovely Bela Tolsen, Bela is a girl after my own heart, if you haven't been, you are definitely in for a treat, Bela is in love with color, as much as, or perhaps a tab bit more than I, you will love her colorful Jeans and leggings, and nor is she afraid of prints. The store itself, is a menagerie of color and hip things from both the past and the present. Every time I stop by I get a bit nostalgic and tingly inside; trust me, Bela, has something for everyone, I do hope you will check her store out...

Today, I was in a very Sophi kinda mood, sophi is my word for sophisticated, so I threw on my Spring Cocktail Dress by Azure Electricteeth of LaViere fame, the dress for me is very flirty and and fun, with just a dash of sophistication,  Ms. Azure really does know what this girl likes in terms of prints, they are not overwhelming, and compliment the dress very well . I  decided to match my dress, with the very stylish and sexy Rivea Pumps from Mikee Mokeev,  the creator behind these fabulous peep toe pumps from her Mstyle line.  Now, I know some may feel there was a bit of overkill with my accessories, but I couldn't help myself...I absolutely die for Ms. Ryca Doobie and all of the jewelry from her Ryca Jewelry line, if you love Gold, Platinum and Silver with a realistic feel, not to mention optional bling, take that taxi over to Ryca's, she will definitely have something for your taste palette. 

No matter how much I love my gold, silver, and diamond jewelry, its always bold, expressive , and classy (depending on the design of the item) to wear cocktail jewelry. Cocktail jewelry, does for a look what gold, platinum, and silver can't which is add color and hue. I figured why not mix the two, so in my jewelry box I went to find the perfect ring to compliment my dress and lo and behold, Ekilem Melodie of Mons came to my rescue...the perfect mix of Canary Yellow and Green to give my Yellow Haze a stylish accent. I'm wearing the Mush ring, from the Elegance Ring Series, I love how the golden tone brings out the hues in my dress. I finished my look off with an awesome clutch created by Holly Somerset and her line of Coco Chanel inspired bags from B.O.S. Holly is Great at getting all the nuisances of the original into her creations...I love every bag in her store, if you need a handbag, Holly has you set...don't believe, go see for yourself and prepare to be amazed. 

Well I'm off for now...there's a glass of lemonade with my name on it. Ciao for now...Huggies GG

Look of the day: Lemon Yellow.
Venue: Kuu Ipo Sim (Tutti Frutti
Dress: Spring Cocktail Dress in Yellow by LaViere  
Accessories: Bangles (DBL in Gold), Choker (EZ in Gold), Earrings (Hoops in Gold), Bracelets (Chain MXD in Gold). Ryca Jewelry,  Mush Ring Cocktail Ring, Elegance Rings Series by Mons, 
Shoes: Rivea Pumps in Lemon by Mstyle
Bag: Coco Chanel White Silk Bowler Clutch by B.O.S.