Tuesday, September 27, 2011

What's She Working With???

Hey Gurlies, The Diva here, while this is not my normal look of the day, it is something I want to show off because I know I have a few teen lurkers and I want to show them a little sumthin, sumthin, for going out to the club with friends...So here is a side GaGa for the day:

Now I understand that its standard practice to show a little (or a lot depending on the person) of skin, when we are at the club, but sorry gurls, the Diva doesn't always follow the rules, and as such, I set the trend.  The following is what I wore to the club the other night with my sister Tia.  I believe you can still be sexy, eye catching and alluring, while being covered up. Let's learn to leave a little mystery, let 'em work for it hunnays...LOL.

 The look is a smorgasbord  of collectables in my closet, since my sister decided she wanted to dance at last minute notice, I had to put on something quick, I think it came out quite showstopping if you ask the Diva...Heyyy
My Fishscale throw, from the Villan collection and Camoscio Platforms in Taupe are available at Meghindo's,  from Meghindo Romano (my girl...woot woot); the Cross Top Sequin tank in Champagne is from Gyorgyna Larnia of LG femme fame. Additionally, the Sequin jeans I'm rocking  in Nacre are from Redgrave.  Now, in order to give my fit some L.I.F.E.; I threw on my Ofelia II Shades from Role Optic, now Bayybe, if you want some realistic, straight stunning shades/sunglasses to make 'em pause and double-take, take that taxi down to Role Optic, Mr. Rohal Schnyder, is not to be denied...He is the truth when it comes to his shades, don't believe me, go and see for yourself...

My accessories are as follows:  Bangles in Brown from the Takara Collection at Mandala (Right hand) , Left hand: Wide Bangle in Copper from +Plus, SN( if you're not familiar with +Plus, hunnay, you are missing out, in my opinion +Plus has the accessories on lock, everything from bags, belts, and bangles, in metals, pastels, and African/Animal prints... I love +Plus, and trust, once you visit, so will you; +Plus gets an A plus from the Diva.) Chain belt in Gold is from the JA Collection at Glow Studio, which is also available in Silver.  My necklace (not shown) which is hard to see due to my throw is Necklace Hearts in Gold of  Ryca Jewelry from Ryca Doobie (also available in Silver) and you know I had to kill 'em for the night so the Diva switched it up and gave them some Blonde Ambition..Ha/ Hair: Blythe in Blonde Fun from Lelutka.

Now, pay no mind to the effects in the pics, as previously stated, the Diva is teaching herself the wonders of digital photography, thus every time I learn something new, I'm going to attempt to showcase it, but back to the night at hand.  Bayybe, we had ourselves a ball and two or three, we went to my girl Meko's RL Bday party, and party we did. And even though we had the nakies up in the club, the Diva still got all kinds of love, so it goes to show, that you can be sexy, and a showstopper, and still make 'em wonder what you working with...Chillle

Okay Hunnays, I know there's a sale somewhere or a new fall collection that I must see, so I will be checking in later, as always, comments and feedback are welcome and appreciated... Later Dollbabies!!!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

She's Backkkkk????

Hey Ghurls (and guys if you happen to be passing thru): The Diva has returned, after being in limbo about blogging and whether or not to continue, I was encouraged to keep, keeping on, so I wish to thank those who support and encouraged me to continue, I hope I will not disappoint you. 

Okay, before I begin with the look of the day, I want to inform you of a few things: One, I'm not proficient in Photoshop or Gimp, I'm doing my best to teach myself, and in fact you may (or may not) see improvement as I continue on this journey, but if you have tips and/or suggestions, I welcome and appreciate them. 

Secondly, Fashion in and of itself is entirely subjective, I put this as a disclaimer because this blog is not me professing to be SL's greatest dresser, I dress for me and no one else, what you see me wearing here, is what and how I would put it together in real life, GG is my digital me, I guess you're wondering why I'm writing this, well I frequently peruse the blogs for SL, and I read the comments, and some are downright NASTY... While everyone is entitled to their own opinion, its not necessary to rank on someone's choice of fashion or how they put together an outfit, bloggers for the most part, are folks who love fashion and dress up, there's no honorarium for blogging, its another creative outlet, so as my Mama would say if you can't say something nice, keep your opinion to yourself...*jumps down off the soap box to begin the look of the day...

 Asian Motif Enchanting
 After meditating and relaxing near my home; I was so invigorated, I wanted to do an Asian Motif theme, so Viola...I stumbled across June Dion of BareRose, totally by accident, but if I could have more accidents like this one, I could die and go to fashion heaven. How often do you get lost in SL only to find a treasure, chile, BareRose Couture beat me all over my fashion head, not only does June have beautiful textured kimonos for Women and Men, but her hand bags STANK...for all those not privy to my fashion jargon, Stank means that something is so bad as in F.I.E.R.C.E., it stanks, and June's bags stank to all high heaven; realistic, fashionable, and affordable, not to mention, you can find one in a color to suit just about every palate in your closet.  I don't want to give away the prices, but you owe it to yourself to check her out; I thought it was a mistake or in the very least a sale, but no girlfriends, those prices are the everyday prices.

Okay now for the Gaga: The top is from Ms. June's Kimono collection entitled Wakatora, when I got home with this gem, honnney, I passed out, you get not only one Kimono, but you get 5, one in every color, Black, Blue, Green, Purple, and White, and chile if I tell you how much I paid...well, I'm not, because you have to go see for yourself, Ms. June has made a repeat customer out of the Diva, since discovering her, I been back 5 times and will continue too, humpf.

I decided to keep it casual but chic, thus, I paired my lovely kimono top with some comfy but stylish Soho shorts from another of my favorite designers, Lelutka in Straw; my wrap belt, was a gem found at Fishy Strawberry, I love everything Fae creates, I mean you can always find something to accentuate your wardrobe at Fishy, the Tied big belt in Biscuit Brown comes in 3 other great colors, and you can dress it up or down, jeans, dress, or with a blazer or sweater, the perfect accessory if you ask the Diva, boop boop!!

With the changing of the weather upon us, I decided to not bare leg it but to continue my Asian theme, with some tights from AV, entitled Asian Green, how befitting, I'm really beginning to love stockings, tights, pantyhose, etc, I'm a leg girl myself and I must admit, I love the print and the color compliments my kimono top very well, don't you think? I threw on a pair of Saffron pumps in Tan, also by Lelutka, to hit the fit in the head, and because I needed something to carry, my keys, wallet, makeup bag, and phone, Maicao bag in Sand, also from Lelutka to the rescue.  With my look now completed, I'm off to find the treasures of the day girls, so I will be talking to you soon...Happy Shopping

I want to add one more thing about June Dion, BareRose, and all the other creators that fall under this guise, I must thank creators like June, that take the time to make these fashions must-haves, while taking into consideration the consumer, I have an understanding of just how much time and effort goes into creating a top, so for Ms. Dion to make these beautiful items, and not charge an arm, leg and two feet, its a blessing that I must acknowledge and invite you to take advantage of.  If you are into the Asian culture, or if not, if you're like me and simply love kimonos and bags, I urge you to get down to BareRose, she has so much to offer, and if you find your self a little overwhelmed, not to worry she has a search catalog, that will tp you directly to your item...Gawd!!! what else could you ask for...Okay Chicas, the stores are calling...Ciao Bellas
Look of the Day: Top: BareRose Wakatora Kimono (Green), Shorts: Lelutka Soho Shorts (Straw),  Shoes: Lelutka Saffron Pumps (Tan), Hair: Sakin Boon (YNO421 Black) Choker: Ryca (LX Platinum), Earrings: Barcode (Glam Girl Icey Hoops), Bangles: Ryca (CBL Silver), Bracelet: Ryca (Gucci Platinum), Handbag: Lelutka Maicao (Sand)